Bank of England Vaults, UK

A lot of financial advisors would agree that gold is an integral part of their client’s portfolio. It has a high value in the market, which attracts many investors, and can open up new horizons for new ventures. In the United Kingdom, there is a place where almost 3% of all the golds mined in the world are stored. It is called the Bank of England Vaults, which can hold up to 400,000 gold bars.

As the national financial heart, the Bank of England vault is located deep underground. In the vault, 28 pounds and 24 carats of gold bars are placed in piles. The gold stock contains approximately 15,000 pure gold bars weighing approximately 210 tons. Because of the valuable goods stored in these vaults, no one is allowed to enter the place. However, there is a tour available on the internet if you are curious to see what it looks like inside.
