The Island of the Dolls, Xochimilco, Mexico City, Mexico

The Island of the Dolls, or what the locals refer to as La Isla de las Muñecas, has some of the most wonderful and beautiful sites in the world. However, these are also some of the eeriest places on the planet. You’re probably familiar with horror movies that feature dolls, and if you find them scary, then you would probably understand why some people fear this island. As the name suggests, this place has multiple dolls hanging in its different sites.

According to history books, the place was owned by a man named Don Julian Santana Barrera, who believed that dolls can help ward off the restless spirit of a girl who drowned in the area. Since then, numerous dolls were hung by his family members until the whole place was filled with creepy dolls, and that’s a lot of investment just to get rid of a wandering spirit, right? There aren’t rules or laws that prohibit people from visiting the place, but most locals aren’t keen to give a tour service to those who want a first-hand experience of the creepy ambiance brought by the hundreds of dolls.
