Ashlee Simpson’s sings on Saturday Night Live

There are very high expectations of a singer. They are typically held to a high standard that they are not able to meet at times. We should understand that these singers are humans too and get tired or sick. When Ashlee Simpson was invited as a guest on Saturday Night Live, she sang two songs. The first one went well, without a hitch. The second, however, did not go so well.

When Simpson began singing, a different track played in the background, revealing that the singer had been lip-syncing all along. Realizing what happened, she froze, broke out into a weird dance, and then walked off the stage. Needless to say, the singer suffered a backlash over the next few weeks, with the audience chiding her for not singing live. She probably stayed away for a bit, protected by her home security system from prying journalists who wanted a statement. Simpson later said she was suffering from acid reflux at that time, which made live singing difficult.
