Warren Beatty opens the wrong envelope

Imagine waiting for that moment for your name to be called for winning the Best Picture Award, and finally, yes! They call your name, and you are already giving your acceptance speech. Someone from backstage then says you are not the winner, but another group. What a shame, right? Well, that is what happened to La La Land. Moonlight was the apparent winner, but Warren Beatty opened the wrong envelope, which read “Emma Stone, La La Land.”

By that time, producer Jordan Horwitz realized the error and announced that Moonlight actually won and not La La Land. Sure, it is easy to confuse envelopes like when you are dealing with gas and water bills, but this one we believe is prominently marked to avoid such confusion. Many still consider this among the most awkward moment in the history of awards shows. It was also not Beatty’s fault as he was given the wrong envelope, he did not switch them.
